Monday, July 6, 2009

Stillwater Boom Site

I've been meaning to take Caleb to a few places I used to love. Today I remembered while we were out, and I drove him to the Stillwater Boom Site. Quite a bit has changed. When I was younger I remember that the area where we parked was not an actual parking it's a large, beautifully decorated and paved lot next to a picnic area. That's okay. Then in place of the rickety old stairs I'd described to him was a perfectly placed cement staircase with a rail! Much safer...I can't deny I was maybe just a little disappointed anyway.

Once we got to the bottom, I showed him our old fire pit, the cave, and the long, beautiful beach only steps from the wooded area. He immediately began skipping rocks...turns out he's an expert rock-skipper! Who knew!

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