Monday, August 16, 2010

Was That Hammering?

Cale's friend Blake is spending the night. Cale has a double bed and he keeps a twin mattress under the bed for when friends spend the night. By 2am, Blake was getting sleepy (poor kid...really, who can keep up with our crazy summer sleep schedule?). I told Cale they needed to get in there and set up the extra bed for sleepy Blake.

Within the next few minutes, I begin hearing laughing. I think to myself Heh heh, funny sleepy silly boys and keep working online. Cale calls out from his room.
"Can I use some sheets?"
Of course you can use sheets.

The laughing gets a little goofier and I mentally pat myself on the back for being such a cool mom. When I was a kid, my parents would've come in yelling at my friends and I to be quiet. I keep working on the computer. Cale comes in holding my red stripe sateen sheet.
"Can I use this sheet?"
"Ummm...sure." Why does he want my sheet? Never mind. I call out and remind him that whatever sheets he uses he has to wash and put away after Blake leaves tomorrow.

The laughing is crazy silly now. Honestly, (he might kill me for saying it) the sound of mischievous boys laughing is ADORABLE!!! I can't help but enjoy it!

A short while later...What? What was that? Was that hammering? Do I really want to know what I'm hearing? I decide no...not so much.
The hammering stops. The sleepy laugh-giggles continue.

A few more minutes pass, then "Mom, come see our fort!"

Wall to wall sheets! Tied to and from various points of furniture and nailed into the bulletin board! How fun is that?!? I have such great memories of my friends and I making forts when we spent summer nights at each others houses.
It doesn't matter what generation you're looking at, does it? Whatever clothes are trendy, whatever games are popular, at the very heart of it kids are always kids.

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