Saturday, September 4, 2010

Pay It Forward

Today, Cale and I had a million errands to run...the first of which was to stop at Caleb's school and get his locker ready and do a walk-through to see his classes for Tuesday. Sometimes comfort-food is in order, and he wanted Burger King.

When we got to the pick-up window, the nice lady at the window said "the car in front of you already paid for your order." I asked her why. She said that the car in front of me paid for my order because the car in front of him paid for his order because the car in front her paid for her order!

I have no idea how long that chain went on. In the optimistic part of myself I'd like to think that it kept going like that all day til they closed their doors. That of course would also mean that only the very last driver actually got a break on their order, but still...everyone's heart was in the right place.